Largest Substring With K

Largest Substring With K
Problem Statement
The Largest Substring with K Distinct Characters problem involves finding the longest contiguous substring within a given string that contains at most K distinct characters.
The "LargestSubstringWithK" program is designed to address the challenge of finding the longest contiguous substring within a given string that contains at most K distinct characters. This algorithmic problem is commonly encountered in the realm of string manipulation and is crucial in various applications such as natural language processing and bioinformatics.
The program employs a sliding window technique, dynamically adjusting the window's boundaries as it iterates through the string. By efficiently keeping track of the unique characters within the window, the algorithm identifies the longest substring meeting the specified criteria. The "LargestSubstringWithK" program showcases the intersection of data structures and algorithmic strategies, providing a robust solution to a problem with practical relevance in diverse computational domains.
The problem is efficiently solved using a sliding window technique. The algorithm dynamically adjusts the window's boundaries as it iterates through the string, identifying the longest substring that satisfies the criteria of containing at most K distinct characters. This approach ensures an optimal solution by keeping track of unique characters within the window.
Sliding Window technique
The sliding window technique for the Largest Substring with K Distinct Characters problem can be broken down into five simple steps:
Initialize Pointers:
- Set two pointers,
, to the start of the string. - These pointers represent the boundaries of the current substring under consideration.
- Set two pointers,
Expand the Window:
- Move the
pointer to the right, expanding the window. - Keep track of the characters encountered and their frequencies.
- Move the
Maintain K Distinct Characters:
- While expanding the window, ensure that the number of distinct characters within the window does not exceed K.
- If the count exceeds K, start shrinking the window from the
to maintain at most K distinct characters.
Track Maximum Length:
- During each iteration, track the length of the current substring.
- Update the result whenever a longer substring is found.
Repeat until the End:
- Continue the process until the
pointer reaches the end of the string. - The result will be the longest substring with at most K distinct characters.
- Continue the process until the
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//Space complexity: O(n)
//Time complexity: O(n^2)
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LongestSubstringWithK {
public static int longestSubstring(String s, int k) {
// Check if the input string is null or empty
if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
// Counter to track the frequency of characters in the input string
HashMap<Character, Integer> counter = new HashMap<>();
// Find the maximum number of distinct characters in the string
int maxDistinctChars = countDistinctChars(s);
// Length of the input string
int n = s.length();
// Variable to store the final result
int ans = 0;
// Iterate over the possible number of distinct characters (num)
for (int num = 1; num <= maxDistinctChars; num++) {
// Counter for characters within the current window
HashMap<Character, Integer> charCount = new HashMap<>();
// Left pointer for window contraction
int left = 0;
// Iterate over the string with the right pointer
for (int right = 0; right < n; right++) {
char currentChar = s.charAt(right);
// Update the count of the current character in the window
charCount.put(currentChar, charCount.getOrDefault(currentChar, 0) + 1);
// Shrink the window if the number of distinct characters exceeds 'num'
while (charCount.size() > num) {
char leftChar = s.charAt(left);
charCount.put(leftChar, charCount.get(leftChar) - 1);
// Remove the character if its count becomes 0
if (charCount.get(leftChar) == 0) {
// Move the left pointer to shrink the window
// Update result if all character counts are at least 'k'
boolean allCountsAtLeastK = charCount.values().stream().allMatch(count -> count >= k);
if (allCountsAtLeastK) {
// Update the length of the longest substring if needed
ans = Math.max(ans, right - left + 1);
// Return the final result
return ans;
// Helper function to count the number of distinct characters in the string
private static int countDistinctChars(String s) {
// Counter to track the frequency of characters
HashMap<Character, Integer> counter = new HashMap<>();
// Iterate over the string and count distinct characters
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
counter.put(c, counter.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
// Return the number of distinct characters
return counter.size();
// Main method for testing the function
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Take input string and k from the user
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String string = scanner.nextLine();
int k = scanner.nextInt();
// Print the result of the longestSubstring function
System.out.println(longestSubstring(string, k));
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# Space complexity: O(n)
# Time complexity: O(n^2)
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
def longestSubstring(string, k):
# Check if the input string is not empty
if not string:
return 0
# Count the occurrences of each character in the string
char_count = Counter(string)
# Determine the maximum number of unique characters
max_unique_chars = len(char_count)
n = len(string)
ans = 0
# Iterate over the possible number of unique characters (1 to max_unique_chars)
for num in range(1, max_unique_chars + 1):
# Counter to keep track of characters in the current window
counter = defaultdict(int)
left = 0
# Iterate over the string with a sliding window
for right in range(n):
counter[string[right]] += 1
# Shrink the window if the number of unique characters exceeds the target (num)
while len(counter) > num:
counter[string[left]] -= 1
if counter[string[left]] == 0:
del counter[string[left]]
left += 1
# Check if all characters in the current window appear at least k times
if all(count >= k for key, count in counter.items()):
ans = max(ans, right - left + 1)
return ans
# Take input from the user
input_str = input()
k_value = int(input())
# Call the function and print the result
result = longestSubstring(input_str, k_value)
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//Time complexity: O(n^2)
//Space complexity: O(n)
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
int longestSubstring(string str, int k) {
// Check if the input string is not empty
if (str.empty()) {
return 0;
// Initialize a counter to track the frequency of characters in the input string
unordered_map<char, int> freq;
for (char c : str) {
// Find the maximum number of distinct characters in the string
int maxDistinctChars = freq.size();
// Length of the input string
int n = str.length();
// Variable to store the final result
int longestSubstring = 0;
// Iterate over all possible number of distinct characters (num)
for (int num = 1; num <= maxDistinctChars; num++) {
// Counter for characters within the current window
unordered_map<char, int> windowFreq;
// Left pointer for window contraction
int left = 0;
// Iterate over the string with the right pointer
for (int right = 0; right < n; right++) {
char currentChar = str[right];
// Update the count of the current character in the window
// Shrink the window if the number of distinct characters exceeds 'num'
while (windowFreq.size() > num) {
char leftChar = str[left];
// Remove the character if its count becomes 0
if (windowFreq[leftChar] == 0) {
// Move the left pointer to shrink the window
// Update result if all character counts are at least 'k'
bool allCountsAtLeastK = true;
for (auto& charFreq : windowFreq) {
if (charFreq.second < k) {
allCountsAtLeastK = false;
if (allCountsAtLeastK) {
// Update the length of the longest substring if needed
longestSubstring = max(longestSubstring, right - left + 1);
// Return the final result
return longestSubstring;
int main() {
// Take input string and k from the user
string str;
cin >> str;
int k;
cin >> k;
// Print the result of the longestSubstring function
cout << longestSubstring(str, k) << endl;
return 0;
Step-by-Step Explanation(Common for Java, Python and CPP)
Step 1: Initialize Variables
Counter Initialization (Common for Python, Java):
- Initialize a counter to track the frequency of characters in the input string using a data structure like HashMap or Counter.
Maximum Distinct Characters (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Determine the maximum number of distinct characters in the string.
Length of the Input String (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Find the length of the input string.
Result Variable Initialization (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Initialize a variable to store the final result.
Step 2: Iterate for Different Number of Distinct Characters
Outer Loop (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Iterate over the possible number of distinct characters (
) from 1 to the maximum distinct characters.
Step 3: Sliding Window
Inner Loop (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Iterate over the string using a sliding window approach with left and right pointers.
- The right pointer expands the window, and the left pointer contracts the window.
Character Count Update (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Update the count of the current character in the window.
Shrink the Window (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Shrink the window if the number of distinct characters exceeds the current value of
. - Remove characters from the left until the window satisfies the condition.
Check for Valid Substring (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- Check if all character counts in the current window are at least
Update Result (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- If the current substring is valid and longer than the previous result, update the result.
Step 4: Return the Final Result
Return Result (Common for Python, Java, C++):
- After both loops, return the final result representing the length of the longest substring.
Time and Space Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity:
The time complexity of the code is O(n^2), where n is the length of the input string. This is because the outer loop iterates over all possible numbers of distinct characters (num), which can range from 1 to n. Inside the outer loop, the inner loop iterates over the input string, and the window contraction process within the inner loop also takes O(n) time. Therefore, the overall time complexity is O(n^2).
Space Complexity:
The space complexity of the code is O(n), where n is the length of the input string. This is because the code uses two HashMaps (or their equivalent data structures in Java and C++): one to track the frequency of characters in the input string (counter) and the other to track the frequency of characters within the current window (charCount). Both HashMaps can grow to a size of n, so the overall space complexity is O(n).
Therefore, the overall time complexity is O(n^2), and the space complexity is O(n).
Real-World Applications
Genomic Sequencing:
- In bioinformatics, genomic data often involves analyzing DNA sequences. Identifying the longest substring with a limited set of distinct characters can help in understanding genetic patterns and variations.
Text Processing and Natural Language Processing (NLP):
- In text analysis, finding the longest substring with K distinct characters can be useful for extracting meaningful phrases or entities from a text corpus. This can aid in sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and other NLP tasks.
Network Traffic Analysis:
- Analyzing network logs and packets may involve identifying patterns in communication. The longest substring with K distinct characters can be applied to recognize the longest sequences of specific types of network activities or protocols.
Speech Recognition:
- In speech processing, the algorithm can be used to identify the longest segment of speech with a limited set of distinct phonemes. This can be helpful in speech recognition systems to improve accuracy and understanding of spoken language.
Computer Vision:
- In image processing, when analyzing pixel data, identifying the longest substring with a specific set of color values can be beneficial. This can be applied in tasks such as object recognition, where identifying consistent patterns in pixel values is crucial.
Data Compression:
- The algorithm can be used in data compression techniques to identify repetitive patterns in a dataset. By finding the longest substring with a limited set of distinct elements, compression algorithms can represent data more efficiently.
Test Case
Test case-I input: aabbbccc 3 output: 6 Explanation: The input string "aabbbccc" with the value of k as 3:
- The longest substring where each character appears at least three times is "bbbccc", with a length of 6.
- Every character in the substring "bbbccc" appears at least three times in the input string.
Test case-II input: abcefgh 2 output 0 Explanation: For the input string "abcefgh" and the value of k as 2:
- None of the characters in the input string "abcefgh" appear at least twice.
- Hence, there is no substring where each character appears at least twice.